Total Productive Maintenance
Kaizen Event
A Kaizen Blitz is a very intensive and focused approach to Process Improvement. A specific machine, closely related group of machines, or a specific area within a machine is selected to be addressed by a multi-functional team of people. The team applies the basic Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) concepts to the equipment. These concepts include: Workplace Organization and 5-S (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain); Preventive Maintenance (PM), Autonomous or Operator Assisted Maintenance; Predictive Maintenance; Visual Controls. The application of TPM requires a serious commitment on the part of the organization and its management. While much can be accomplished during a focused Kaizen event, the hard work comes in the weeks and months that follow.
First the team will calculate the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for the equipment that is the subject of the event, and analyze the data. Then the team will apply 5-S concepts to the equipment and the immediate area. Team members will Sort and Set in Order all items within the area. Then everything, particularly the equipment, is Shined, and “abnormalities” are identified and tagged that must be addressed in order to return the equipment to a “like new” condition. The team will identify and implement “countermeasures” to Sustain the improvements. Methods and procedures are implemented to Standardize TPM, and make it a way of life. Roles and responsibilities are often defined at this stage, and visual procedures documented.
Methods to collect important equipment related data are identified and implemented by the team. Finally, a more extensive Preventive Maintenance program must be developed and implemented, along with research into possible application of Predictive Maintenance techniques over time. These activities typically are addressed after the Kaizen event has been completed, as are abnormalities that cannot be immediately corrected. Therefore, the team will develop an action plan with assigned responsibilities and expected completion dates to insure necessary follow-up.
The results of such an effort can be significant. Downtime reductions of 50-60% have been achieved over time. People throughout the organization can visibly see the improvements, which creates much needed energy and enthusiasm.
Typical 3-Day Agenda
Pre-event: Scoping: identify subject of event.
Initiate OEE data collection process
Day 1: Education in basic concepts
Collect and Analyze OEE information
Sort, Set-in-Order, Shine and Tag
Day 2: Initiate correction of abnormalities
Day 3: Develop procedures for Operator Assisted Maintenance
Develop PM procedures and Critical Spare Parts Lists
Develop follow-up plan
The actual duration of the TPM Kaizen event will depend on the current condition of the equipment, and the amount of effort required to clean it and to make minor repairs.
Typical Deliverables
- The foundation to reduce downtime on the equipment that is the subject of the Kaizen event. Measurable improvement in OEE may require additional time beyond the kaizen event itself.
- A cross-functional team of people who will be able to apply TPM techniques to other areas of the operation.
- Actions List to assist in follow-up, if all changes were not possible during the Kaizen event