
Change Management Associates offers a variety of public workshops and events.  Many are offered through partner affiliates such as the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), and the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME).  Events often involve tours of host companies who are willing to share their experiences with others.  From time to time application based events will be open to the public.  These include value stream mapping and kaizen events.  During such events outside guests will work side-by-side with associates from the host organization on selected processes as they work together to improve them.  Public workshops can be half-day or full-day and are often coupled with a tour of the host organization.  CMA also regularly presents at a number of annual conferences in the U.S. and abroad.  These include AME’s annual international conference, the Lean Accounting Summit, and others.  These can all be found on the Event calendar.  The Event calendar is updated frequently so you should visit it often.

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In addition, CMA will present at internal company functions and conferences.  These are not posted on the Event Calendar since they are not offered to the public.  Please contact us if you are interested in having CMA speak at an upcoming function in your organization.