Workplace Organization and Standardization (5S)
Kaizen Blitz
A Kaizen Blitz is a very intensive and focused approach to Process Improvement. A specific area is selected to be addressed by a multi-functional team of people. The team applies the basic 5-S concepts to the area of: Sort, Set-in-Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Throughout, the team looks to apply visual techniques to maintain order and control. These concepts can be applied to any area within the operation, both production and non-production areas.
First the team will Sort – take an inventory of all items that are presently in the area. Items will be sorted into three categories: items that are frequently used; items that are no longer used; items that are periodically used. Plans are made to discard all items no longer needed. All remaining items are Set-in-Order. A place is designated for each item that is required in the area – a place for everything and everything in its place. Then everything in the area is Shined up and made to shine – work benches, equipment, tools, etc. Next, the team works to Standardize the improvements. Methods and procedures are implemented to keep the area organized at all times. Finally, the team looks to Sustain workplace organization throughout the area to make it a way of life. Roles and responsibilities are often defined at this stage.
Visual Controls will help maintain the gains made. “Shadow boards” to organize tools and other items required in the area will be designed and implemented. Labeling of bins, shelves, racks, etc. help to maintain visual order. Visual procedures assist personnel to standardize work practices. Visual measures help personnel to track performance.
Not always can everything be implemented during the three day Kaizen event. Therefore, the team will develop an action plan with assigned responsibilities and expected completion dates to insure that the necessary follow-up takes place.
The results of such an effort can be significant, particularly if the concepts are applied in conjunction with other concepts such as Cellular Manufacturing or Set-up Reduction/Quick Changeover. People throughout the organization can visibly see the improvements, which creates much needed energy and enthusiasm. After all, no one likes to work in a disorganized, unsafe work environment.
Typical 3-Day Agenda
Pre-event: Scoping: identify target area for the event
Day 1: Education in basic concepts
Conduct a Workplace Scan
Sort – red tag items in target area
Day 2: Set-in-Order – labels, home addresses, signs
Shine – clean area, provide cleaning tools and supplies, initiate countermeasures.
Day 3: Standardize – develop checklists, implement basic pull systems where appropriate
Develop Sustain Model
Rescan area
Develop follow-up plan
The actual number of days required will depend on the current condition of the target area. For example, the amount of items that will be red tagged and will need to be removed from the area can greatly impact the time required.
Typical Deliverables
- An area that has been effectively organized. Measurable improvement is typically possible by the end of the event.
- A cross functional team of people who will be able to apply 5-S and Visual techniques to other areas of the operation.
- Actions List to assist in follow-up, if all changes were not possible during the Kaizen event.
Workplace Organization & Standardization (5S)
One Day Workshop
Participants will learn, in depth, the 5-S concepts of: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. These concepts can be applied to any area within the operation, both production and non-production areas.
First, a review is provided of Lean Enterprise and how Workplace Organization and Standardization forms a foundation upon which other lean concepts can be applied. Then, participants will learn the importance of performing a Workplace Scan prior to any 5S effort. The Workplace Scan provides a baseline against which progress will be compared. Next Sort will be reviewed. Items will be sorted into three categories: items that are frequently used; items that are no longer used; items that are periodically used. Plans are made to discard all items no longer needed. Elements of a Red Tag system is covered in depth at this time.
All remaining items are Set-in-Order. A place is designated for each item that is required in the area – a place for everything and everything in its place. Then everything in the area is made to Shine – work benches, equipment, tools, etc. Inspect through Cleaning, countermeasures and other Shine concepts are reviewed. Next, the team works to Standardize the improvements. Methods and procedures are implemented to keep the area organized at all times. Different levels of control are reviewed to ensure work standardization over time. Finally, the team looks to Sustain workplace organization throughout the area to make it a way of life. Roles and responsibilities are often defined at this stage. Elements of a typical Sustain model are covered.
Visual techniques will help maintain the gains made. Videotapes and photographs of specific techniques are provided throughout the workshop. “Shadow boards” to organize tools and other items required in an area, labeling of bins, shelves, racks, etc. help to maintain visual order. Visual procedures assist personnel in the area to conduct processes to be performed. Visual measures help personnel to track performance.
The workshop typically runs a full day, including a simulation to reinforce the participants’ understanding of the concepts. Another version runs 1/2 a day, without the simulation, and is often used to kick-off a 5S Kaizen event.
Duration: One day
Who should attend: anyone who works in a manufacturing or service organization, including managers. Office personnel can also benefit by attending this workshop.
Change Management Associates 31 Lexington Court, Mount Laurel NJ 08054 Tele: 856-235-8051 • Website: |